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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulation

  1. The students admitted to the institute must abide by all rules and regulations as prescribed by the Institute's authorities. 
  2. Strict action will be taken against any admitted student if he/she is found to be pursuing parallel studies/courses in another Institution/College. 
  3. Violation of rules, unsatisfactory progress, irregular attendance, irregular clearance of Institute and Hostel fees and dues, showing discourtesy to the teachers and staff members in any form, smoking in the Institute campus, consuming alcoholic beverages, causing damage to Institute and hostel property, Library books etc., using unfair means in sessions work and in examination, resorting to strikes, ragging etc., and such manner of offences will render such students liable for disciplinary action in the form of imposing fine, suspension and even expulsion from the Institute.
  4. Hostellers are to strictly abide by all the rules of the Hostel authorities. They are also to vacate the Hostel during vacation/end-term holidays.
