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Welcome to Computer Science & Engineering


The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is the youngest department in Shillong Polytechnic, which is set up to play a vibrant role in imparting knowledge in Computer Sc. & Engineering and Information Technology.


The Department was established in year 2002, with an intake of 30 students for the three-year diploma course in Computer Science & Engineering. The main objective of this course of studies is to produce technician at supervisory level to meet the demand of Technician manpower in various fields of development.

Department Course

The Department is currently offers 3 Years Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering with an intake capacity of 30 seats

Department Mission

  1. To impart in depth theoretical and practical knowledge in preparing students for utilizing more creativity and innovativeness.
  2. To develop pathways so that students can become employable, self-reliant.
  3. To develop a desire for higher studies and research.
  4. To inculcate integrity and honesty through curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Department Vision

A department with a commitment to produce skilled technicians and instil a desire to pursue further studies and research in the field of Computer Science & Engineering.

Department Programme Educational Objective

  • PEO1: To prepare diploma graduates with a solid foundation in Engineering, Science and Technology for a successful career in Computer Science & Engineering. 
  • PEO2: To prepare diploma graduates to become effective collaborators / innovators in efforts to address social, technical and engineering challenges. 
  • PEO3: To equip diploma graduates with integrity and ethical values so that they become responsible Engineers. 
  • PEO4: To motivate diploma graduates to be entrepreneurs, industry ready and pursue higher studies.